Circles of the High Sierras Temple

an interfaith pagan temple based in Reno, Nevada

About Us

Circles of the High Sierras Temple (CHST) is an interfaith pagan temple and spiritual/magical community based in Reno, Nevada. CHST is a non-denominational organization, but we are the umbrella for multiple member temples that practice specific religious traditions.

Currently, the Member Temples offering regular public rituals are: 

  • House of Zephyros Hellenic Temple (Greek Polytheism) 
  • Hekatean Circle (Magical Circle dedicated to the Hellenic Goddess Hekate)
  • Hwt Peret Auset Kemetic Temple (Egyptian Polytheism)
  • Temple of Tehuti’s Waters (Devotional to Tehuti, Egyptian God of Magic)
  • Norse Tradition (Northern European Polytheism)

We are continuously working to expand our Member Temples and offer additional rituals within specific polytheistic religions, based on community interest and availability of resources. While we emphasize pagan and nature-based religions, all gods, paths, and spirits are welcome in our community – as long as they can interact with all others with respect and goodwill.

In addition, CHST holds non-denominational rituals on lunar, solar, and annual events that are recognized as spiritually significant across cultures. These include, but are not limited to, new and full moons, solstice and equinox events, and major seasonal holidays such as Samhain (Halloween) and May Day.

Our community does not have any proscribed dogma. While some pantheons and cultural traditions are better represented than others within our member temples, CHST does not prioritize or favor any particular spiritual path. Our mission is to create a shared space in which many different pantheons and practices can be accepted, honored, and given the opportunity to inform and interact with each other. Our system is designed to give people the resources to define and follow their own path while providing tools for their personal growth and development. Through personal empowerment and active engagement with the Gods, spirituality, and magic, we elevate ourselves, our loved ones, and our world.

Our Circles

Our Temple is structured in a series of ‘Circles.’ The concepts of magical circles and circles of practitioners are shared by many magical and spiritual communities; our particular system evolved from the now-defunct Temple of Growth Advancement tradition. Our tradition includes eight circles, each associated with one of eight natural elements that we consider foundational to our world and our practice. 

First, Second, and Third Circles are designed to help individuals learn magical techniques and develop their personal spirituality, while Fourth Circle and beyond are designed to train community leaders (see ‘Circles’). We also support additional circles to meet other needs in our community, including a Pagan Parents Circle and a magically-based Casters’ Circle. 

CHST is currently pursuing legal recognition as a 501c church, to be governed by a Board of Trustees. Ordination as clergy within CHST will be possible, however the status of priesthood/priestess-hood is conferred by the member temples. One does not have to be theistic (believe in God/s) to be a member of our organization or leadership. However, we do require that people who wish to lead rituals and classes within our temple be trained in our system.

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