Our Monthly Events

Family Friendly Events

CHST has many events marked as ‘Family Friendly.’ This means that the content and activities of the event are suitable for all ages, and any interested young people are welcome to accompany their parent or guardian.  

However, family friendly events do not necessarily include special activities designed for very young children. Particularly when the event is a ritual, we treat young people as equal participants alongside adults in the ritual actions, which may include meditation or extended discussions. 

We rely on parents and guardians to use their own discretion when choosing to attend events with children, with consideration of the time of the ritual and their child’s interest in the planned activities.

While the Lavender Room is available for children to take a break if they become restless during ritual, we are not able to provide child care or alternate activities for the duration of an event. We will do our best to accommodate families with the resources we currently have available. 

Events that are designed specifically for kids will be coming to the CHST calendar soon!

Note: If an event is not designated as “family friendly” but your child still wishes to attend, reach out to a member of the Hierarchy. Typically an event is not marked as “family friendly” if it a) occurs late at night, b) deals with particularly serious subject matter, or c) involves consumption of alcohol beyond small libations/offerings to the Gods.

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