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Hwt Peret Auset

the Kemetic Temple of Circles of the High Sierras

Hwt Peret Auset honors the Kemetic (Egyptian) Gods in their ancient rites while practicing their worship and magic in the modern world. Our practice follows a threefold path, guided by the Goddess Auset (also known by the Hellenized name Isis) in Her aspects as Auset Sopdet, Auset Hent-Nisut, and Auset Mut.

Who We Are

The Temple of the Emergence of Auset emphasizes the ‘emergence.’ It is built to provide a space where Auset and the Netjeru can make Their power manifest. We are guided by Auset in three aspects, which form three ‘paths’ within our temple:

Path of Auset Sopdet
This path is guided by Auset in her aspect as the embodiment of Sopdet (aka Sothis/Sirius/the Dogstar); the rising of this star signaled the beginning of the inundation in Egypt. 

The path is one of introspection, self-knowledge, and understanding.  On this path, we strive to understand and shape our personal destinies, and chart our paths through the world.

Path of Auset Hent-Nisut
This path is guided by Auset in her aspect as The Throne. 

The path is one of empowerment, both of the self and of others. On this path, we strive to accept and claim our own personal sovereignty. However, this path is also about civic and public service. As the Throne, Auset puts and keeps the right people in charge, and inspires us to be leaders in our community. 

Path of Auset Mut
This path is guided by Auset in her aspect as Great Mother. 

The path is one of care and service. Auset Mut calls on us to engage in community service, volunteer work, outreach, and interfaith work to make the community in general stronger and healthier. 

It should be evident that these paths are interrelated; the degree to which a person practices each will vary, but it is unlikely that anyone will follow only one.

Hwt Peret Auset also supports and facilitates education in Egyptian history and culture. We seek to help dispel the obscurity and misinformation surrounding Egyptian religion and the Netjeru that has resulted from millennia of misunderstanding, appropriation, and fetishization. This is accomplished through study of ancient Egyptian history and philosophy, as well as meditation, prayer, and magical practice.

While we believe the Netjeru to be universal and celestial beings, we believe that knowledge of Them and their manifestations is inherently and completely based in human experience in this world. The practice of Egyptian spirituality and discovery of spiritual values is therefore possible for all humans willing to seek.

Our History

  • The name of our Kemetic Temple translates to “House of the Emergence of Auset.” It is part of the tradition of the Temple of Auset Nevada, which was formed in 2001 as an offshoot of the Temple of Isis based in California.
  • Temple of Auset Nevada was founded as part of the sacred vision of the Rt. Reverend Zarita Zook, who created the Temple to “serve as a living and active sanctuary, where the living Goddess Auset is worshiped in the rites of the ancient Egyptians.”
  •  Hwt Peret Auset seeks to explore the manifestation of all the Egyptian Gods (Netjeru) in the modern world, under the guidance and protection of Auset, as our temple patron, and Anpu (or Anubis) as the Opener of the Ways.

What We Do

Hwt Peret Auset holds one public, community ritual every month. Our devotional rituals are based on the General Rites for the Netjeru compiled from ancient sources by Richard Reidy of the Temple of Ra in San Francisco. These rites imitate and commemorate daily rituals to honor a Netjer in their temple. During these rituals, we call on the four Sons of Heru to hold sacred space for us.

Each ritual is dedicated to a specific Netjer, depending upon the season, the needs of the community, and the sphere of influence of the Netjer. For example, we honor Anpu (Anubis) as Guardian and Guide of the dead every year around the high holiday of Samhain, when we celebrate the blessed dead in our own culture.

Check out our calendar or message us for information about upcoming rituals!

Our Stucture

Hwt Peret Auset is led by our temple priests. In traditional Kemetic practice, there were several priestly roles that a person could take on throughout their lifetime. The most common of these is the U’ab, or Purification Priest. This is the first degree of priesthood in Hwt Peret Auset. After becoming an U’ab Priest, an individual may continue in this role indefinitely, or pursue another, specialized form of priesthood. Hwt Peret Auset priests serve all the Netjeru under the auspices of Auset and Anpu.

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